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    "Melted from stone" Series: Displaced Land
    "Melted from stone" Series: Displaced Land, Paula Turmina, 2021, stone pigment and oil on calico, 180 x 155 cm

    ©the artist

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    "Stretched across time" Series: Displaced Land
    "Stretched across time" Series: Displaced Land, Paula Turmina, 2021, stone pigment and oil on calico, 180 x 155 cm

    ©the artist

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    "Threading soil with hand and stone" Series: Displaced Land
    "Threading soil with hand and stone" Series: Displaced Land, Paula Turmina, 2021, stone pigment and oil on calico, 30 x 50 cm (30 x 25 cm each)

    ©the artist

  4. Previous Next
    "Sun Watching" Series: Displaced Land
    "Sun Watching" Series: Displaced Land, Paula Turmina, 2021, stone pigment, oil and acrylic on calico, 20 x 25 cm

    ©the artist

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    "Ant" Series: Displaced Land
    "Ant" Series: Displaced Land, Paula Turmina, 2021, stone pigment, oil and acrylic on calico, 45 x 35 cm

    ©the artist

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    "Sun Worshippers"
    "Sun Worshippers", Paula Turmina, 2021, oil on canvas, 450 x 180 cm

    ©the artist

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    "While I rest"
    "While I rest", Paula Turmina, 2021, oil on canvas, 85 x 45 cm

    ©the artist

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    "Crawling hand" Series: 2°C Higher
    "Crawling hand" Series: 2°C Higher, Paula Turmina, 2020, oil on canvas, 160 x 180 cm

    ©the artist

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    "High Pitch" Series: 2°C Higher
    "High Pitch" Series: 2°C Higher, Paula Turmina, 2020, oil on canvas, 150 x 180 cm

    ©the artist

  10. Previous Next
    “Fire” Series: Disasters
    “Fire” Series: Disasters, Paula Turmina, 2021, etching on hand dyed silk with turmeric and avocado seed stretched to oven clay and stretcher bars, 45 x 55 cm

    ©the artist

Paula Turmina – MA/MFA

My practice encompasses painting, printmaking, analogue films, and writing. I investigate, through multiple approaches, the potential of painting from its materiality to the contradictions of representation. By approaching the canvas and other surfaces as a metaphorical landscape, I explore notions of time and storytelling from a sci-fi perspective. The recent paintings present us with a metafictional, post-apocalyptic world inhabited by characters who seem to merge with the natural world around them. Through the use of land pigments, I emphasize the painting’s own constructedness in a way that continually reminds the viewers that even the most otherworldly imagery is made from Earthly material. Relentlessly trying to prove the earth is alive.