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The 9th annual UCL Art Museum/Slade collaboration explores the traces that we leave on our environment: What do we value and what do we dispose of?
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The 9th annual UCL Art Museum/Slade collaboration explores the traces that we leave on our environment: What do we value and what do we dispose of?
Ranging from mining to cataloguing, scavenging and collecting Slade artists Sonya Derviz, Cyrus Hung, Eloise Lawson, Amanda Rice and Grace Richardson explore the processes by which we conserve certain things for posterity and dispose of others.
There is a programme of talks and performances to accompany the exhibition. See:
UCL Art Museum, Wilkins Building, South Cloisters, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT
26 September - 18 December, Tuesday to Friday, 1pm-5pm