Aquarium, Julia McKinlay, 2014, wood, corrugated card, gaffer tape, gloss paint, printing ink, drawing ink, pigment, aluminium, spray paint, towel, pins, masking tape, plastic tubing, enamel, glassine paper, calico, variable dimensions. Horizon, Julia McKinlay, 2014, wood, gaffer tape, corrugated card, acrylic paint, glassine paper, pigment, calico, photocopies, gloss paint, spray paint, variable dimensions. Display of Slugs, Julia McKinlay, 2014, wood, cement, pigment, printing ink, paper, variable dimensions. Slug, Julia McKinlay, 2014, cement, cement pigment, 170 x 35 x 4 cm. Rocky outcropping on the edge of the world, Julia McKinlay, 2013, MDF, wood, black emulsion paint, sugar paper, gaffer tape, variable dimensions. Julia McKinlay web: