Slade School of Fine Art



A Diversity of Nothing (title in progress)


Yarli Allison

, 2017, mixed media, variable size.

A Diversity of Nothing (title in progress)


Yarli Allison

, 2017, mixed media - instruction drawings.

MoMo The Hair


Yarli Allison

, 2016, HD 16:9 projected video and audio with sculpture installation.

The hair, lived long enough to avoid being pulled out over the years, is a sole survivor on this mountain of scalp.

Momo’s owner suffers from a rare mental condition that she cannot control her compulsion of pulling out the hair on her body.

The insecure destiny of each hair is often questioned by Momo.


If this is (insert color) I could stay disappear


Yarli Allison

, 2017, video still, multi-channel HD video installation, variable length.

Yarli Allison

instagram: @yarliallison