Almost human(coagulating), Sof'ya Shpurova, oil on canvas 190 x 160 cm. Reverse firing of a human boy (1100 C), Sof'ya Shpurova, oil on canvas, glazed ceramic 185 x 160 cm. The clay veined girl holds trem-bling skin.(me as a retort), Sof'ya Shpurova, oil on cotton, 190 x 150 cm. I am being pulled down and as soon as I put my hand on the core of the Earth my hand disapear completely. The core of the earth makes a buzzing(high) sound, Sof'ya Shpurova, oil on canvas, glazed ceramic, 180 x 150 cm. Sof'ya Shpurova website: www.sofyashpurova.cominstagram: @in2weird