Sean Synnuck
Notions of aspiration, futility and socio-political impotence underpin much of my work. I create sculptural objects for use in video works and performances formatted as participatory games. Punitive and rigged rules reveal the illusion of players’ agency, and their powerlessness to affect pre-determined outcomes. Various mechanics such as audience votes draw on populism and soft power dynamics in relation to individual, institutional and societal hierarchies. Particularly the role of premature value judgements and biases in establishing and maintaining social power structures. Bodily imagery is a reoccurring theme in my practice. The body often forms the language to talk about the self, feelings of constraint or control. Moreover, the body is often how internalised senses of exclusion often manifest, either through physical discomfort in hostile environments, or in the desire to lose weight, to get braces, to build muscle, or in other ways alter the body to improve social standing. Combining this with images taken from government posters and class signifiers, I hope to draw parallels between ideas relating to personal and national; vanity/national identity, in/exclusion, and popularity/populism.
Curriculum Vitae
The Slade School of Fine Art
BA (Hons)
2016 - 2020
Manchester School of Art
Prizes, scholarships or awards
Shortlisted for the Young Artist Scholarship at the Welsh National Eisteddfod
Final, not Over
Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop, London
The Grant Museum, London
Goodstock, Manchester
Chroma, London
AIR gallery, Altrincham
Price List
For pricing, exhibitions and commissions, including hand made rugs, please contact
NB: The Slade School of Fine Art does not act as an intermediary for sales, nor is it liable for any disputes arising from sales of artworks.