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Alumnus Iain Hales has won the Mark Tanner Sculpture Award Award 2013. He was selected by a panel comprising artist Richard Deacon, Lisa Le Feuvre, Head of Sculpture Studies at the Henry Moore Institute, MTSA trustee Rebecca Scott, and MTSA winner 2010/11 Jemima Brown. The winner receives £8,000 to support the making of new work towards a solo show to be held at Standpoint in 2014. See

Common - Hayley Newman
Common - Hayley Newman, 2013

Common - Hayley Newman


Common, a novella by Hayley Newman, has been published by Copy Press, ISBN: 978-0-9553792-6-0. See

Climate Commons: literature, climate change and activism, includes a reading from Common by Hayley Newman, and takes place at Proboscis Studio, 4th Floor, 101 Turnmill Street, London EC1M 5QP on Wednesday 19 June 2013 from 6 - 8pm. See

Ben Nathan has a solo show, Structure at 43 Inverness Street, London, NW1 7HB from 14 June - 13 July 2013. Friday and Saturday, 12 - 6pm, or by appointment. See