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Sarah Cameron and Leah Miller-Biot are showing in Duplicit, an exhibition in two spaces presented by Snehta Residency, in collaboration with Zarakes Residency, at
Snehta, I. Drosopoulou 47, Kypseli 11257, Greece, from 2 - 4 July 2016, from 2 - 8pm. See

A day of quickfire talks and performances - Averard Hotel
A day of quickfire talks and performances - Averard Hotel, 2016

A day of quickfire talks and performances - Averard Hotel


Piers Veness is giving a 10 minute talk about the influence of Paul Virilio's Bunker Archeology on his own artistic practice as part of at A day of quickfire talks and performances at the Averard Hotel, 10 Lancaster Gate, London W2 3LH, from 12noon - 6pm on Saturday 21 May 2016.

We are saddened to learn of the passing of artist and inventor of AARON, Harold Cohen, aged 87. He studied painting, and was a lecturer in Painting at the Slade from 1961 - 1965. See

We are saddened to learn of the passing of two significant figures in the Slade’s history: Peter Daglish and Patrick George, who was Slade Professor and Director from 1985-88.

The UCL flag will be lowered tomorrow (27th) at 12 noon in remembrance of the late Slade Professor and flowers will be displayed in fond remembrance of both artists in the Slade entrance.

As part of its Widening Participation programme, UCL, in conjunction with the Slade School of Fine Art, is offering a week-long residential course Introduction to Studio Practice to Year 12 students from across the UK.
This course will offers the unique opportunity to gain some expert tuition in art and experience working in a world class art school studio environment. There are eligibility criteria that all applicants should consider before applying. The deadline for applications is 29 April 2016. See for further details.

Paradigm, a new public art sculpture by Conrad Shawcross, was unveiled in the piazza of The Francis Crick Institute, 215 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BE, on Wednesday 24 February 2016. The sculpture can be viewed from Midland Road, at the east end of the new Crick building, adjacent to St Pancras International Station. See